Even as the BCCI launches its hunt for the new Team India coach, the chorus to get two coaches for the different formats is getting louder. So much so that former board secretary Sanjay Jagdale, who was part of the Cricket Advisory Committee along with the likes of Sachin Tendulkar, VVS Laxman, and Sourav Ganguly as chief coordinator, is also batting for different coaches for the two different formats – red and white ball cricket.
Cricket has changed a lot and will change further. It is time to have two different coaches for India,” Jagdale told CricBlogger.
Logically also, Jagdale thinks that if two sets of players are playing red ball and white ball cricket, it makes sense to have two coaches like other countries. “There won’t be any conflict. Both the Test and white-ball teams have different players. So, having two coaches is the way forward,” Jagdale suggested.
Fortunately, a section in the BCCI is already contemplating a two-coach theory for Team India, and a board member and former selectors like Jagdale advocating such a move will ensure more options for the board to pick the best men for the job.
As it is, a 10-month affair isn’t palatable for any of the leading coaches in the world. That is because franchise cricket coaching seems more profitable in terms of the number of days these coaches are involved. Rather than hunting for a full-timer, BCCI should break up the assignment!