With the BCCI all set to host the annual award night on February 1 in Mumbai, questions are raised whether India’s biggest star Virat Kohli could attend the event or not. The Indian cricket board had put pressure on senior cricketers like Kohli to play domestic cricket and now that he is playing for Delhi after nearly 13 years, the board may have to go ahead and stage the event without him.
Kohli, who is currently playing Delhi’s last league match of the Ranji Trophy against Railways at the Ferozeshah Kotla, is supposed to be in action till February 2. The match got underway on January 30 and if the Delhi Vs Railways match finishes on Day Three, Kohli may still manage to rush back for the event on Saturday just in time.
This event aims to recognise outstanding performances in Indian cricket over the past year and to some it’s a shocker that there could be no Kohli at the award night. “How will the event look without Kohli?” a BCCI source asked while adding that he is generally regular for such award shows.
Recently, BCCI has implemented stricter guidelines emphasising discipline and commitment among players. These guidelines mandate participation in domestic cricket and non-compliance with these directives may lead to disciplinary actions. As of now, there is no official confirmation regarding Kohli’s attendance at the upcoming awards ceremony but his presence could have lit up the award night for sure.